Thursday, November 25, 2010

Such an event-filled year

2010 is coming to a close in a few more weeks. In all it will be to me a year to remember. My son Jonathan entered Secondary school. Like parents all over the country/world, we vacilated about where to enrol him. Finally we enrolled him in the same school where his father was teaching. We decided that though school does contribute a part to his character development, we the parents have the greater influence and responsibility in his overall development , be it his character or his education. I'm glad to see him happily settled in his school. Having a very laid-back personality his school also suits him. I doubt he'll enjoy a classroom filled with competitive bookworms. Well, I finally went to USA this year and visited my aunty in michigan as well. The short trip to Cambodia with my family and TCF was also an interesting break. So was the 6-day prayer exposure trip to Korea. After a long draught this year is also a year of weddings of the church youths who have all grown up - Emily, Kin Onn, Kin Hup. And a fiftieth wedding anniversary in December! Next year we'll see some more weddings... This is a year of great distress for many good friends who were affected by the terrible floods. Thankfully, though there was loss of property-some irreplacable I'm sure, there was no loss of lives among those we know. A few friends returned home to the Lord. They'll be missed. Next year...what will it bring ?